The Foxfield Village HOA Board is always looking for volunteers, and gladly welcome any help throughout the year.

We are always looking for folks to join the various committees, but we can gladly use help with single projects or events as well.

For example, the landscaping committee has been working on renovating the monument at the main entrance to the development (119th and Monroe) by planting perennial flowering plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. This spring, the committee worked with Epic to remove the aging junipers and liriope near the monument, relocated some of the decorative grasses and daylilies, and prepared the beds for future planting.

This year the pool committee has worked to replace and adding some new furniture to the pool seating area, as well as making other improvements that will all be implemented when the pool opens in 2021.

Also, the architectural committee is in need of a couple more members to help review unit modification requests from homeowners.

Finally, the social committee is has been doing some great work with holiday and pool events, and could definitely use some help to make these events go smoothly.

If you are interested in doing more, we are always welcoming new members for our committees:

  • Landscaping Committee

  • Pool Committee

  • Social Committee

  • Architectural Committee

If you have any questions about the work done by any of the committees, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
You can send an email to for more info.

Thank You!
Nicholas Semrau
Foxfield Village Master Association